Thursday 3 October 2013

One Direction "inspired" red & white nails.

Oh wow! Haven't posted in ages! But, I thought I'd do a quick post just to add something to this blog!

So recently, I went to a One Direction concert with a good friend of mine, and OMG, it was ABSOLUTELY AMAZING!!  Those boys just have something that makes you go crazy!

And to celebrate the occasion I decided to do some nail art rather than dressing myself in their merch. I heard that 1D is known for their red and white themed stuff so that's what I decided to go for. What I did was, 1. White base coat. 2. Coat of red polish going diagonally across the nail. 3. Used a dotting tool to create white dots on the red part of the nail. So simple and super easy!  

My hand looks abnormal because I took these photos real quick, and the nail art is quite rushed so it might look dodgy... But overall I'm happy with how it turned out and I have been getting a lot of compliments from people who just happen to catch their eye on these.

As for the concert, it was just so much fun! I have been going through "post concert depression" lately and it just sucks :(.  I really just want to be back there singing on the top of my lungs and dancing till my feet are sore! The boys engage with the audience and I think that's what made it such an entertaining and fun night! 

So close to them, yet so far :(
Okay kids, that's all I have time for today, but hopefully I'll be posting more and so will Kat!
Stay tuned!
Kit xx